A Grand in Your Hand


Because a little competition doesn't hurt anybody, especially when we are trying to put a grand in someone's hand.

A Grand in Your Hand is open to all, with a mix of categories that are defined  as followed:


Group A - All Groms Under 15 - We will have prizes for competitors in this category 

Group B - The Just for Fun category is open to all abilities and genders for those over 15 years of age. All are welcome for this category focused on fun and welcoming environment, with high level prizes for the competitors in this category

Group C - The Open category is the Women's Specific Category, competing for the $5k Cash Prize.  The category celebrates and welcomes the many forms of womanhood, femininity and includes Women, and Non Binary People. All those using she, her, they them pronouns  are welcome to compete in this category.
The cash prize is: 
1st = $5,000
2nd = $750 
3rd = $250 


This comp is a jam format. Each group will have about an 1 hour  on the course.  

 Please email mercedestortega@gmail.com if you have any questions.