Killington, VT (Ramshead)

Date: Saturday, February 12, 2022
Location:  Killington, VT  
Rider Check In:  8:00 to 9:00 am 
Event Start: 9:00 am 
Must Pre-Register for event online - 
We are excited to be heading to Killington Mt. this season!  Killington is located in southern Vermont. The event will take place at the Ramshead Base Area at Killington. All levels of riding are invited  (beginner, intermediate, advanced). Killington has one of the best park programs on the east coast, their dedicated park staff designs, builds and maintains multiple different parks daily.  Safe to say we are headed to an oasis of park riding! 
This is a 16+ event but we do make exceptions so please email: for any age related questions 
2020/2021 Package Pricing:
1 Day Registration:  $220.00 
Have a pass to Killington?
Use the discount code KillingtonPassHolder at check out and save 40% off your order. 
Location of Event at Killington:
Weekend Events:  
Friday Night at Darkside Snowboards
Date: 2/11/22 
Time: 6 to 8 pm 
This is optional, if you can not make it no worries we will see you Saturday morning.  At Darkside we will have pre-registration, meet and greet, and much much more. 
Saturday Killington Camp Event
Date: 2/12/22 
Location: Ramshead 
Time: 8:00 to 8:45 Registration 
Event Start: 9:00 
9:00 to 12:00 Break Out Groups
Lunch: 12:00 to 12:45 At Snowshed  Location
12:45 to 3:00 Break Out Groups 
3:15 to 3:45 Park Jam 
3:45 to 4:00 Awards 
Event End: 4:00 
Winter 21/22 COVID-19 Policies 
We continue to monitor and comply with required Covid-19 standards, prioritizing the safety of our community.  We recommend all campers to get vaccinated before the event.  
Masks are required at all times during the event. Please stay home if in the past 14 days you have had close contact with a person confirmed to have Covid-19 or in the past 24 hours experienced any of the following symptoms: cough, fever, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever (>100.4°F / 38°C) or felt feverish, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell. Wash hands and use sanitizer frequently. All attendees will need to fill out a Covid-19 questionnaire upon arrival.
Park Affair Staff/Volunteers: 
The whole Park Affair team is required to wear a mask at all times. 
Event Cancellation Policy: 
We will refund 100% of purchase up to 3 days prior to the event. Within 3 days of the event we will refund 50% of your purchase, and within 24-hours, no refunds will be made. 
Covid-19 related cancellations will be evaluated case by case.